At the Hannover Messe 2017, Siemens will be demonstrating how industrial companies of all sizes can benefit from the digital transformation. The central focus of the booth in Hall 9 will be on the company’s further extended portfolio for the achievement of end-to-end digitalization, known as the “Digital Enterprise”. An array of examples from practice will allow visitors to experience applications and innovations demonstrating the competitive benefits to be gained by merging the real and the virtual worlds. The examples on show range from smart energy management systems through customized food and pharmaceutical production to industrial-scale additive manufacturing based on automation and drive technology. Siemens is also driving forward the expansion of its cloud-based, open IoT operating system MindSphere with the addition of new partnerships, interfaces and apps.
The rapidly changing requirements of consumers are placing manufacturers under increasing pressure to produce customized products at short notice while assuring a consistently optimized standard of quality. The key to addressing all these demands is digitalization, which allows producers to simulate, test and optimize products, production processes and plants within a completely virtual environment on the basis of a “digital twin”. In this way, not only can the manufacturing and process industries significantly enhance their innovation speed and productivity, but they can also define their own new business models. Machine and plant builders can also reap the benefits of this development and pass them on their own customers. At the Hannover Messe, Siemens will be using the example of milk production to demonstrate ways in which producers in the food and beverage industry can use digitalization solutions all along the line, ranging from milk processing to filling, packaging and labeling, enabling a flexible response to changing market requirements such as the growing diversity of flavors.
To support companies undergoing the digital transformation, Siemens is extending its portfolio for the Digital Enterprise across the four cornerstones of industrial software and automation, industrial communication, industrial security and industrial services.
Manufacturers can enhance the performance and availability of their plants: By connecting to MindSphere, huge quantities of data can be evaluated and weak spots identified. Through new interfaces, apps and partnerships with companies such as BluVision as well as the usage of the cloud infrastructure and services from Amazon Web Services, Siemens is driving forward the expansion of the ecosystem surrounding MindSphere.