as it becomes increasingly important for automation and robots to work seamlessly together, machine builders are facing new challenges.

When a robot cell is added to an automation system, an additional controller and a separate operator device are required. And in addition to the SIMATIC controller and the TIA Portal engineering framework, another engineering tool is needed that varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The operating philosophies of robots and entire machines differ as well. But there’s an easy approach: Having robot manufacturer building-block libraries integrated in the TIA Portal makes it possible to program robots directly in the familiar TIA Portal environment.

Efficient programming of robots

Using just one engineering tool and operating panel and a pre-defined interface, you can create both the machine and the robot program in a uniform environment. Thanks to the building-block libraries, you can program various motions in the TIA Portal. Or you can use a Siemens HMI for operation, for which we offer uniform faceplates for the different manufacturers. This allows you to use the mouse and keyboard or to type on the HMI to move robot trajectories – which teaches the SIMATIC controller all the intended track positions. SPS experts also use this approach to program different robot applications, including palletizing, and pick and place.